Monday, April 22, 2024

The Block Party Book Review

 The Block Party

Author: Jamie Day

Published: 2023

Pages: 384

Genres: Mystery, Thriller, Fiction

My Rating: 4.2/5


The Block Party follows the residents of Alton Road, an exclusive cul-de-sac in Meadowbrook, Massachusetts. It opens on Memorial Day, present day, foreshadowing the murder and disastrous events that occur at this year’s annual summer block party. Then it takes the reader back to last year’s block party, where the rivalries and betrayals first unfolded. The families discover that nothing and no one is ever as it seems, and when they think they know what’s happening behind closed doors, they certainly do not know the whole picture!

My Review

I found this book to be very entertaining and I thoroughly enjoyed it! I liked that it was very fast-paced, and I think Jamie Day does a great job at creating suspense for the reader. It’s filled with so many surprises and shocking events, and really keeps you hooked until the end where all the truths come out. When you think you know what’s going to happen, something crazier happens and it won’t be what you expect. The only complaint I have is that there are almost too many characters in the book to keep track of. I liked that the plot and storyline was very intricate, but I felt like some of the characters weren’t really necessary because they didn’t add much to the overall plot. The book switches off between two different narrators; Alex, a wife and mother, and Lettie, who is Alex’s daughter. The author also includes conversations from the online community page (a take on neighborhood apps), which adds a bit of humor and comic relief to the story.


Overall, I think this book was a fun and engaging read. If you like juicy neighborhood dramas, or mysteries and thrillers in general, I would highly recommend this book!

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  1. I love a book that can hold my attention since I often lose interest and don't always finish them. It sounds like you really enjoyed this book, and it seems like the kind of engaging mystery and drama that I'm drawn to. Perhaps I'll pick it up this summer!

  2. This sounds like a really interesting books, with books of that size I appreciate when the pacing of it is not to slow so that I dont lose interest on it. I feel you on the too many characters, when they add a big cast it is sometimes hard to follow each characters plot line and importance.


The Block Party Book Review

  The Block Party Author: Jamie Day Published: 2023 Pages: 384 Genres: Mystery, Thriller, Fiction My Rating: 4.2/5 Summary The Block Party ...